Friday, January 11, 2013

I wanted to post some of my favorite Winogradsky experiments that I've found so far, if you feel like responding, please add others that you've seen: There was a page that no longer exists from the Woodrow Wilson Foundation Leadership Program for Teachers, but here are some links that are equally good funded by the Foundation: and The BioCurious Meetup Group also posted a nice Winogradsky image from a Brad Bebout workshop has some really beautiful growth! I like this lesson plan as well, posted by Christine L. Case, Ed.D., a Biology Professor at Skyline College. I think it's set up for a community college class, but it could probably be done in almost any classroom (or at home!). Definitely a new favorite website of mine, the Center for Dark Energy Biosphere Investigations posted this blog in 2011 with some excellent thoughts on where to gather your mud and microbes. And how sad I am to have missed this Adopt A Microbe project that they put on that year. What an excellent classroom activity! It might be worth following anyway, even if you missed it in real time. Also, because I found this site fascinating, any teachers out there might be interested in their additional teacher resources and links. Here is NASA's informational video on how to build a Winogradsky Column - a must watch for any microbe geek out there! And my final recommendation for the day will be this animation by Carleton College. Have fun with your microbes and don't forget to post pictures and blog about what happens!